About Turkey

         Turkey also know as (turqia) is one of the most oldest country in the entire world. Turkey came into being around 8800 years ago. This country has so many interesting history. This country is like a peninsula that works like a bridge from Asia to Europe. As being an old county so many war has taken place there, so many religious has ruled the country. But right now turkey is an "Islmaic country".

Coat of arm of Turkey

National Animal of Turkey | best answer in history

        Despite turkey being such an old country we still don't know if turkey had a coat of arm in past or no. Because today turkey have no official coat of arm but the crescentand and the star on their flag are seen as their emblem. their are only a few theories that shows different type of coat of arm of Turkey.
 for example.
 theres a coat of arm from the time of ottoman empire.

Ottoman period of coat of arm for turkey

National Animal of Turkey | best answer in history

        from the rule of ottoman empire they had their coat of arm which had the flag of turkey on its
one side and so many other things on it,you can see their coat of arm in the below picture.

their coat of arm shows no animal it means that both the countries on both side of coat of arm dont have any national animal.

National animal of Turkey

despite having no history about national animal of Turkey we can still say that the grey wolf is the national of animal the country beacuse it appears on so many things of the country and there is a big population of the animal in the country. One more evidence is that the grey wolf exist on the currency of the country and the country puts the sign of grey wolf on their boards.there are so many grey wolf statues in their country,so the conclusion is that the grey wolf is the national animal of Turkey.
National Animal of Turkey | best answer in history

National Animal of Turkey | best answer in history

Why do grey wolf were choosen to symbolise Turkey? 

National Animal of Turkey | best answer in history

         the grey wolf are a symbol for honor.this animal always stays in a group and never let their enemies to be victorius against them. similary the country use it as a sign of honor,unity and power among their nation and government.